Fully Supported by the Cambodian Government
Organized by Cambodian Gems & Jewelry Traders Association (CGJTA) in association with World Trade Fair (International) Limited, the annual national flagship fair will be held on May 15 to 18, 2025 at Diamond Island Convention & Exhibition Centre (Koh Pich), at the Kingdomˇ¦s capital city Phnom Penh. The Fair has been positioned as the most important sourcing platform in the country, presenting the Cambodian products to the overseas markets and bringing the finest international diamonds, gemstones, fine jewelry designs and timepieces to the country.
With the fast growing market of over 14 million populations, Cambodia has emerged as one of the safest nations and most attractive economies in the region. An average GDP growth of 8% in the past 10 years has exceeded all expectations, and through its membership in ASEAN (since 1999) and in the World Trade Organization (since 2004), the country has made tremendous progress in integrating its emerging economy into the regional and global trading system. H.E. Dr. Cham Prasidh, Senior Minister, Minister of Commerce, added that ˇ§our country has possessed four fundamental advantages - political stability; macro-economic stability; a sound, transparent & predictable legal framework and many trade preferences. And the success of CGJF is greatly attributed to the growing trend of the markets in gems and jewelry in Cambodia as well as in the region and the world.ˇ¨
- Expected numbers of exhibitors and visitors increased by 12%
- Extensive marketing & promotion campaigns: ˇ@Pre-show newsletters to local & international trade buyers
ˇ@3,000 VIPs invitations to foreign diplomats, government officials and trade buyers
ˇ@50,000 invitations & admission tickets to companyˇ¦s directors and senior management
ˇ@Around 1,500 advertising billboards and hanging banners around the Phnom Penh city
ˇ@Advertisements & press releases in popular newspapers and magazines
ˇ@Advertising at 5 - 7 TV channels
ˇ@SMS to past visitors
ˇ@Leaflet distribution via hotels, banks and travel agents
- Live music performances presented by popular singers
- Concurrent jewelry parades showing the latest breathtaking jewelry collections

Cambodian Gems & Jewelry Traders Association (CGJTA)
In Cooperation With
Official Forwarder

World Trade Fair (International) Limited, Hong Kong
Tel.: +852 2365-8119
Fax: +852 3547-7745
E-mail: sales@wtf.com.hk

Brink's Inc.
Website: www.brinksglobal.com